Sunday, September 21, 2014

Well Hello, there. I'm going to ease back into this blogging thing.

I'm pretty sure I have felt ALL the feelings today. Noah's birthday, the Primary program, and some growing pains have left me with an open mind and a full heart. (Mind you, not my own growing pains this time. But you know, being a mother means that their problems will always, ALWAYS be your problems, really.)

From the Primary program. "God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be. This is how He shares His love, for the family is of God." This is by far my favorite song the kids learned this year, and they sounded like angels today.

From Noah, who says the best prayers. "Please bless Mom betaws I love her... and please bless me be ninja... and thank you for Cody betaws he so tute..." One of his birthday wishes was to have all of his siblings sleep in his room tonight, and they happily obliged. I planned on taking a picture of all of them sleeping but there is no sleep happening yet.

From me. I haven't figured out what to do about the growing pains. I was pretty sure I had a brilliant idea, but I was drifting off to sleep. I thought at the time it was so brilliant there was no way I could forget it, but I did. Now I'm not sure if it really was brilliant or if I was just delirious. And if it was brilliant, why does that happen so often? A great idea just as we fall asleep, or in the middle of the night. Is it our brain playing tricks or is it that we have let down our walls enough to allow inspiration to creep in during those vulnerable sleepy moments?

If you know, let me know. I'll just be over here loving generously and fiercely. Because I know that matters, and I'm not sure all the other stuff does matter.

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